Tuesday, 1 September 2015

Juneau 'Into The Mouth Of The Wolf' Track By Track

Last week Derbyshire duo Juneau released their debut EP Into The Mouth Of The Wolf. It was recorded over an intense 6 hour period at DCAS Studios in Chesterfield by Martyn Stonehouse, who also provides additional bass on Under The Weather and Spit It Out, and guitar and drums on Spirits, to beef out the band's minimalist sound.
Here, vocalist Layla Remeikis reveals the inspiration behind each of the tracks...

Charlie"The song Charlie is an enigmatic mixture of sadness and curiosity, based around the infamous Facebook game 'The Charlie Challenge', in which participants call upon a malicious demon to answer their mundane, insignificant questions. The false illusion of this omniscient apparition (and the anger that it sparked in me!) ultimately lead to the creation of the lyrics to Charlie."

Under The Weather"This song is simply about running away- both literally and figuratively. Taken at face value, the singer is leaving home (not that the inspiration for this is related to my own personal life at all!) to seek a better life elsewhere, but the process of 'escaping' is about thoughts too- Under The Weather is equally about finding the ability to move on and 'embrace it'." 

Spit It Out"Spit It Out is basically a stream of consciousness from the perspective of a vulnerable female in today's society, and how she perceives the world and the decisions she must make (particularly regarding relationships). This situation is, however, relatable for anyone, as Spit It Out emphasises the way that we always want what we can't have, and things sometimes don't work out the way we plan."

Claw It Back"The inspiration for Claw It Back came from an interview in a magazine with Pete Wentz of Fall Out Boy, who was addressing the decline in importance of rock music in today's culture. He suggested that we can not hopelessly cling to the past, and that musical genres must evolve and change if they are to remain popular. The lyrics to Claw It Back ponder the effects of this change in terms of both the music industry and life itself."


Games"Put simply, Games is about two people who don't get along. The inspiration for this is undeniably based on real people, but it's universal. We 'play the game' by staying true to ourselves in the defiant face of conflict, and these lyrics highlight the significance of self-confidence and assertiveness."

Spirits"Spirits begun life as a poem and ended as a song, influenced by the themes of intoxication and alcoholism. Poetically and melodically, it explores the journey of adolescence in relation to the expectations and consequences of alcohol, and the image of 'teenage martyrdom'. Like Spit It Out, Spirits emphasises the helplessness of humanity and the way that we can be blinded by our own selfish desires."

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