Friday, 2 October 2015

REVIEW// Static Animal/ Majorca

Blissed-out bedroom pop from Melbourne mysteries

There's something alluring about an enigma and right now no one is more of a mystery than Static Animal.
Hailing from a bedroom somewhere in Melbourne they are practically unknown save for the fact that they make beautiful blissed-out dream pop.

"I'm so tired but I still find time" they sing on debut track Majorca, perhaps an ode to their bedroom beginnings. All hazy, reverb-drenched vocals that recall early Jaws, underpinned by breezy guitars that shimmer and swirl like the sea of the coastal scape they beg to soundtrack.

One would be mistaken for thinking Mac DeMarco had upped sticks and moved to the beach in the chorus' slacker-esque lament of "It's alright/ let's go", perhaps for giving it all up and doing that yourself.

And DIY is exactly what Stactic Animal does, Majorca's kaleidoscopic home production already bursting out of the four walls it was created in, and you can expect the band to do the same. They might just be known in their bedroom now, but don't bet on them remaining a mystery much longer.

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